Si vous avez tendance avoir le mal de mer, vitez de voyager en catamaran, qui est plus sensible aux vagues lorsque la mer est agite. There is delicious and cheap Thai food, as well as entertainment, a beer garden, and lots of shopping as well. Seatran Ferry est une socit de premier plan qui assure le transport de passagers et de vhicules entre Surat Thani, sur le continent, et l'le de Samui. Therefore, the publisher does not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Afficher les informations de Seatran Discovery. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 11 fvr. Plus le voyage est long et plus la mer est agite, plus vous avez de chances de sentir votre estomac protester. At the next ticket office, ferry, one had to wait for 5 to 10 minutes while the ticket person went away to print out the confirmation and then issued the next ticket. Pour nous contacter, merci de consulter notre page. Cela signifie que vous devez garder cette possibilit l'esprit si votre voyage en ferry est associ un vol - les risques d'arriver sur le continent plus tard que prvu peuvent tre levs certaines priodes. What are the Bang Rak Pier opening hours? To get to the most picturesque islands you cannot avoid taking a ferry. 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 2 avr. Comparez ds maintenant les horaires et les prix Seatran Discovery avec les compagnies de ferry alternatives avant de rserver votre billet, pour tre certain que vous obtenez la meilleure option pour votre voyage. Il est galement judicieux de rserver au moins plusieurs jours avant la date de votre voyage si votre destination est desservie par un nombre limit de trajets par jour. Soyez le premier inform des meilleures offres de ferry, Trouvez les billets de ferry les moins chers, Le moyen le plus facile d'effectuer et de grer votre rservation, Vous avez t ajout la liste de diffusion de. Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 2, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Feb 27, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Feb 20, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Feb 18, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Feb 16, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Feb 15, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Feb 11, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Jan 27, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Jan 23, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Jan 20, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Jan 16, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Jan 15, 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Dec 28, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Dec 25, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Nov 28, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Nov 26, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Nov 9, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Oct 31, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Oct 25, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Oct 14, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Aug 29, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Jun 19, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Jun 11, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), May 31, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Apr 22, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 15, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 6, 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Oct 19, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Oct 5, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Aug 18, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Jul 16, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), May 9, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), May 8, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), May 5, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Apr 23, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Apr 9, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Apr 7, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Apr 2, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 28, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 18, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 17, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 15, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 14, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 11, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 6, 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), Mar 1, 2018, 20122022 12Go Asia Pte., Ltd. Voyager en ferry est amusant. Il est toujours agrable dadmirer les endroits que vous avez dj visits sous un autre angle et dans ce cas, depuis la mer. Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 2 mars 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 27 fvr. Le bateau est le seul moyen d'atteindre certaines des les. The rates for the latter are much more affordable. To make your trip more enjoyable, take the medicine half an hour before your trip and follow our recommendations from above.
Great organization Bus-Boat-Van. 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 9 mai 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 8 mai 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 5 mai 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 23 avr. Getting seasick is the major concern for ferry travellers. Some of the recent additions to the pier include a bakery and a handful of restaurants, so if you get hungry or need to rest while travelling, these are excellent places to do so. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 20 janv. Les ferries de Seatran Ferry desservent un certain nombre de destinations populaires. Ferry trips are highly weather dependent. Direct Ferries vous propose grce son moteur de recherche les meilleures comparaisons d'horaires et de prix, en se basant sur les donnes de votre demande, ce qui vous permet de comparer Seatran Discovery avec les horaires et tarifs de multiples compagnies de ferry en un seul clic. 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 16:00, 08:20, 08:45, 10:00, 11:10, 13:10, 13:30, 15:15, 17:45, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 10:30, 11:00, 12:30, 06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:00, 17:00, 08:00, 10:00, 10:45, 10:50, 11:00, 12:15, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:20, 14:25, 14:30, 14:31, 15:00, 15:25, 16:30, 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:20, 11:00, 11:45, 12:00, 13:00, 13:15, 13:40, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:40, 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 17:45, 18:00, 18:55, 19:00, 19:30, 07:00, 08:45, 09:00, 10:45, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 07:50, 08:00, 09:30, 11:30, 12:50, 13:00, 16:20, 16:30, 06:30, 06:35, 09:00, 09:05, 10:00, 15:00, 15:05, 05:50, 07:10, 07:20, 09:30, 10:30, 10:45, 11:00, 12:00, 16:10, 07:00, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 17:00, 18:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 11:30, 12:00, 14:30, 15:00, 18:00, 05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00, 11:45, 12:00, 13:00, 16:00, 05:00, 05:45, 06:00, 07:00, 07:15, 10:00, 11:45, 12:00, 13:00, 13:15, Ferry Koh Samui - Surat Thani Train Station, Ferry Koh Samui - Surat Thani Bus Terminal. Seatran Ferry propose des billets en ligne pour les voyages en ferry - il n'est mme pas ncessaire de vous rendre leur bureau pour les acheter. The longer is the trip and the rougher the sea is, the more chances to feel your stomach protesting. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 18 fvr. Anciennement connue sous le nom de Seatran Ferry, la compagnie a choisi de changer d'appellation en 2004 afin de reflter l'excellente exprience des passagers. It is not an uncommon thing to close the ferry connections even with bigger islands during stormy weather for several days. Some destinations are served by larger and more stable car ferries, others are connected by smaller but faster high speedboats or catamarans. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 16 fvr. Seatran Ferry offers online tickets for ferry trips it is not even necessary to pop in at their office to buy one. It is a good idea to book at least several days prior to your travel date if your route is served by a limited number of trips per day, too. You don't need looking for them, they looking for you. koh tao idc padi Plusieurs classes de billets sont souvent disponibles, ce qui vous permet de choisir le tarif, le niveau de confort, la dure du voyage et l'horaire qui vous conviennent le mieux. Seatran Ferry dispose de toilettes bord! Seatran Ferry n'a pas de billets lectroniques, vous devez donc les imprimer. It is always nice to have a look at the places you have visited from another angle well, in this case from water. Please visit our website for more information on the Bang Rak Pier. It means you should keep this possibility in mind if your ferry trip connects with a flight chances to get to the mainland later than expected can be high during certain periods. Il n'est pas rare que les liaisons par ferry, mme avec les grandes les, soient fermes pendant plusieurs jours en cas de tempte. Its also known as the Seatran Bangrak Pier because it services the different routes of the Seatran Discovery ferry company. Before booking, decide whether you need an express service or slower options are also acceptable. Seatran Discovery est donc l'une des compagnies les plus populaires de la rgion! Seatran Ferry est prsent dans Koh Samui, Surat Thani, Don Sak, Koh Lanta, Koh Phi Phi, Hat Yai, Phuket, Barrage de Ratchaprapha, Krabi, Khao Sok, Nakhon Si Thammarat et Plage de Railay, Les bureaux de Seatran Ferry sont situs Phra Khanong, Khlong Toei. This website uses cookies to help us process your bookings as well as customise and improve your experience. Good ferry, confortabile, staff very helpfil. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 28 dc. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 28 nov. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 26 nov. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 9 nov. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 31 oct. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 25 oct. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 14 oct. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 29 aot 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 19 juin 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 11 juin 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 31 mai 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 22 avr. De plus, si vous prenez place sur le pont suprieur en plein air, vous pourrez mieux supporter les fortes vagues. Presque toutes les destinations sont magnifiques vues depuis l'eau, et vous aurez l'occasion de prendre de superbes photos. Initialement conue en 2002, la compagnie avait pour but d'assurer un transport vers Koh Samui, avec de meilleures normes de scurit et une attention au confort des voyageurs, tout en maintenant des prix de billets abordables. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 15 fvr. It means that on rainy days departures can be delayed or even cancelled. La flotte exceptionnelle de Seatran Discovery compte dsormais sept navires mais, l'origine, l'unique yacht - de plus de 34 mtres de long - pouvait accueillir 274 personnes, rparties sur un pont intrieur entirement climatis et un pont extrieur depuis lequel profiter des superbes panoramas sur les paysages si clbres de Thalande. Pour vous rendre sur les les les plus pittoresques, vous navez pas dautre choix que de prendre un ferry. Rservez en ligne pour gagner du temps - sur de nombreuses lignes, il est indispensable de rserver l'avance. From beaches, water parks, and night markets, to nightlife, massage, scuba diving and day trips you can find everything here! The pier also has ferries that can take you to Donsak Pier, which is located on the Thailand mainland. Pour rendre votre voyage plus agrable, prenez un mdicament adapt une demi-heure avant votre embarquement, et suivez nos recommandations ci-dessus. The Bang Rak Pier is located northeast on Koh Samui. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 23 janv. Les tickets ouverts sont valides pour une dure de 12 mois partir de la date de rservation (voir les conditions du billet). Should you find yourself travelling during the evening, you may also want to explore the night market which is not too far from the pier and is accessible on foot. To take a ship is the only way to reach some of the islands. Visitez notre page Service client pour obtenir des informations utiles sur les voyages en ferry, prendre connaissance des QFP et pour toute aide concernant votre rservation. Avant de rserver, dcidez si vous avez besoin d'un trajet express, ou si des traverses plus lentes sont galement acceptables. Ce nouveau service est trs apprci, aussi bien par les locaux que par les touristes. Opening hours dependent on the ferry timetable, Prices vary for each company, route and seat type. The pier is one of the busiest on the island, and thankfully it has recently received an upgrade that makes it much more convenient to use. Deux ans plus tard, Seatran Discovery est n, donnant aux clients actuels l'opportunit de profiter des magnifiques les thalandaises bord d'un yacht luxueux. Direct Ferries est une socit enregistre Londres, Royaume Uni. Seatran Discovery propose des traverses de ferry luxueuses entre Koh Samui et les environs de Mu Koha Ang Thong - qui rassemblent Koh Tao, Koh Phangan et Donsak. 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 9 avr. Dtails diffrents entre l'aller et le retour ? Koh Samui Travel Hub will cover everything there is to do and see in Koh Samui. Version 1516.2406. Booking online was easy but since while traveling one has no access to a printer at the ticket office the clerk only issued a handwritten ticket for the bus ride. En outre, la disponibilit de certaines classes peut tre limite, et ncessite toujours une rservation l'avance. Also, taking a seat on an upper open-air deck may help weather high waves. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 27 janv. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 15 mars 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 6 mars 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 19 oct. 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 5 oct. 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 18 aot 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 16 juil. La liste des stations desservies par Seatran Ferry comprend notamment : Voici quelques-uns des trajets les plus populaires desservis par Seatran Ferry : En rgle gnrale, plus le bateau est rapide, plus le prix est lev. Different ticket classes are often available so you will be able to choose the fare, level of comfort, travel time, and schedule which suits you best. 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 28 mars 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 18 mars 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 17 mars 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 15 mars 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 14 mars 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 11 mars 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 6 mars 2018, 20122022 12Go Asia Pte., Ltd. There are daily transfers from Surat Thani Airport to Donsak Pier via bus, from where you can take a ferry to Bang Rak Pier. If you easily get seasick, avoid travelling by catamaran which rides the waves when the sea is rough rather opt for a high speed boat as it cuts the water what results in a less rock-and-rolling trip. Yet the difference in the travel time may be really huge, so always check how long the ferry trip takes before you book your ticket. Tlchargez l'appli pour les ferries directs ou grez votre rservation en ligne via Mon compte. Version 1516.2406. Cela concerne en premier lieu les trajets les plus longs, les voyages en priode de forte affluence comme les ftes nationales, les longs week-ends ou la haute saison. And in many cases some of the most beautiful, postcard and paradise islands you have always wished to go! Also, the availability of some classes can be limited and always requires advanced booking. Il faut cependant prendre en compte que la diffrence de temps de trajet peut tre vraiment norme, alors vrifiez toujours la dure du voyage en ferry avant de rserver votre billet. samui koh ferry seatran discovery Seatran Ferry ne dispose pas de Wi-Fi bord de ses transports.
Always remember to check the pier your boat leaves from and docks at to choose the most convenient one for your onward trip and read other travellers' reviews. N'oubliez jamais de vrifier le quai d'o part votre bateau, et o il accoste, et faites le choix le plus pratique pour la suite de votre voyage. Almost any destination looks terrific from water and you will have a great opportunity to take brilliant pictures. While we have made an effort to ensure that all information was correct at the time of publication, details can change over time. Optez plutt pour un bateau grande vitesse, qui coupe l'eau, ce qui rend le voyage moins mouvement. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 20 fvr. Travelling by ferry is fun. The pier staff are friendly and helpful, too, if you need any assistance with travel. The list of the stations serviced by Seatran Ferry includes but is not limited to: Here are some of the most popular piers covered by Seatran Ferrys schedule: The rule of thumb is the faster the boat, the higher the price is. The ferry schedules on the pier, and all the services, are well-organised and efficient. 2018, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 7 avr. Les tarifs de ces dernires sont beaucoup plus abordables. 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 15 janv. Book online to save time on many routes, booking in advance is an absolute must. Les voyages en ferry dpendent fortement de la mto. Lisez galement les avis des autres voyageurs. Certaines destinations sont desservies par des car-ferries plus grands et plus stables, d'autres sont relies par des bateaux grande vitesse ou des catamarans plus petits mais plus rapides. Le cot d'un trajet en pour un billet aller-retour adulte destination de Koh Samui au dpart de Surat Thani est d'environ 13.46$. Cela signifie que les jours de pluie, les dparts peuvent tre retards, voire annuls. Getting to and from various locations in Koh Phangan, including Koh Tao and the legendary full moon parties, is pretty straightforward from here. Et parmi celles-ci, il y a certaines des plus belles, des les paradisiaques, de cartes postales, o vous avez toujours rv daller ! 2020, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 16 janv. In the first place, it concerns longer trips, trips on busy periods like national holidays, long weekends or high season. Rserver en ligne avec les oprateurs locaux, Nous sommes l pour vous 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, Surat Thani International Airport (URT), Maluan, Phunphin District, Surat Thani, Thailand, Seatran Coach Bus Terminal, 348/17 Talad Mai Road Soi 19, Tumbol Talad, Surat Thani 84000, Thailand, Nathon Pier 3 (Seatran Ferry Pier), GWQJ+6G Ko Samui, Ko Samui District, Surat Thani, Thailand, Nathon Pier, Koh Samui, Suratthani 84140,Thailand, Seatran Ferry, Donsak pier, 17/1 Moo 8 Donsak district, Amphur Donsak, Surat Thani, Thailand, Saladan Pier, Tambon Sala Dan, Amphoe Ko Lanta, Chang Wat Krabi 81150, Thailand, Ao Ton Sai Pier, Moo 7, Phi Phi Island, Krabi 81000, Thailand, Hat Yai Bus Station, 73, Chotevittayakul Road, Tambon Hat Yai, Amphoe Hat Yai, Songkhla, 90110, Thailand, Phuket Bus Terminal 2, Ratsada, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket, Thailand, Ratchaprapha Dam, Tambon Khao Phang, Amphoe Ban Ta Khun, Chang Wat Surat Thani 84230, Thailand, Seatran Discovery Office, Maharaj 11 Alley, Tambon Pak Nam, Amphoe Mueang Krabi, Chang Wat Krabi 81000, Thailand, Khao Sok National Park, Khlong Sok, Phanom District, Surat Thani 84250, Thailand, Nakhon Si Thammarat Airport, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Mueang Nakhon Si Thammarat District, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. 2019, Ferry Ferry, Seatran Ferry ( ), 25 dc. Seatran Ferry ferries travel to a number of popular destinations. Le mal de mer est la principale crainte des voyageurs en ferry.
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