Chap 21, Ex: 10 + Reformat chapter 8 Exercises, cleaned up, Fixed, added import for FXMLLoader + Removed JUnit, INTRODUCTION TO JAVA PROGRAMMING 10TH EDITION Exercise Solutions, This repo contains my solutions to the end-of-chapter exercises from Y. Daniel Liangs Intro to Java Programming (10th Edition). Each folder starts with a number followed by the application name. Step 07 - Understanding Inheritance - Why do we need it? Step 00 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Section Overview, Step 01 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Basics, Step 02 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Terminology - Class, Object, State and Behavior, Step 03 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Exercise - Online Shopping System and Person, Step 04 - Create Motor Bike Java Class and a couple of objects, Step 05 - Exercise Solutions - Book class and Three instances, Step 06 - Introducing State of an object with speed variable, Step 07 - Understanding basics of Encapsulation with Setter methods, Step 08 - Exercises and Tips - Getters and Generating Getters and Setters with Eclipse, Step 09 - Puzzles on this and initialization of member variables, Step 10 - First Advantage of Encapsulation, Step 11 - Introduction to Encapsulation - Level 2, Step 12 - Encapsulation Exercises - Better Validation and Book class, Step 14 - Introduction to Java Constructors, Step 15 - Introduction to Java Constructors - Exercises and Puzzles, Step 16 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming - Conclusion, Step 00 - Primitive Data Types in Depth - Section Overview, Step 01 - Basics about Java Integer Data Types - Casting, Operators and More, Step 02 - Java Integer Data Types - Puzzles - Octal, Hexadecimal, Post and Pre increment, Step 03 - Java Integer Data Types - Exercises - BiNumber - add, multiply and double, Step 04 - Java Floating Point Data Types - Casting , Conversion and Accuracy, Step 05 - Introduction to BigDecimal Java Class, Step 06 - BigDecimal Puzzles - Adding Integers, Step 07 - BigDecimal Exercises - Simple Interest Calculation, Step 08 - Java Boolean Data Type - Relational and Logical Operators, Step 09 - Java Boolean Data Type - Puzzles - Short Circuit Operators, Step 10 - Java Character Data Type char - Representation and Conversion, Step 11 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 1 - isVowel, Step 12 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 2 - isDigit, Step 13 - Java char Data Type - Exercises 3 - isConsonant, List Upper Case and Lower Case Characters, Step 14 - Primitive Data Types in Depth - Conclusion, Step 00 - Conditionals with Java - Section Overview, Step 01 - Introduction to If Else Statement. Last week we announced amazing updates to the course. You signed in with another tab or window. You signed in with another tab or window. My Java programs from JHU CTY's Advanced Java Course, A high-level cross-platform 2D game development API, JAVA OOP PROJECT - This project is about Student Enrollment App where student can enroll in subject and pay. Functional Programming - Lambda Expression, Stream and Operations on a Stream (Intermediate Operations - Sort, Distinct, Filter, Map and Terminal Operations - max, min, collect to List), Functional Interfaces - Predicate Interface,Consumer Interface, Function Inteface for Mapping, Method References - static and instance methods, Introduction to Threads and MultiThreading - Need for Threads, Implementing Threads - Extending Thread Class and Implementing Runnable Interface, States of a Thread and Communication between Threads, Introduction to Executor Service - Customizing number of Active Threads. topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. You will learn how to think as a Java Programmer, You will learn how to start your journey as a Java Programmer, You will learn the basics of Eclipse IDE and JShell, You will learn to develop awesome object oriented programs with Java, You will solve a wide variety of hands-on exercises on the topics discussed below. By reading this book, youll move from understanding the data types in Java, through loops and conditionals, and on to functions, classes, and file handling. Java offers both object oriented and functional programming features. Whether youre an absolute beginner to programming, or a seasoned programmer approaching an object-oriented language for the first time, Java Programming for Beginners delivers the focused training you need to become a Java developer.
This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. I hope you are too! Deciding State and Constructors. Using socket and Java programming language I made a Rock paper scissor game where client and server can response simultaniously. Can be used to practise front-end development in favourite framework. Add a description, image, and links to the We implemented Digital Signature method in Computer Security Project by making a simple message sending system with JAVA programming language & MySQL database. We take an hands-on approach using a combination of JShell(An awesome new feature in Java 9) and Eclipse as an IDE to illustrate more than 200 Java Coding Exercises, Puzzles and Code Examples. Returning a Future, invokeAll and invokeAny. topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics. Create a feature branch (with a descriptive name) using the fork from step 1. Comprehensive Version (10th Edition) by Y. Daniel Liang (Author), - Check out all our courses here. Step 09 - Java Wrapper Classes - Creation - Constructor and valueOf, Step 10 - Java Wrapper Classes - Auto Boxing and a Few Wrapper Constants - SIZE, BYTES, MAX_VALUE and MIN_VALUE, Step 11 - Java Dates - Introduction to LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime, Step 12 - Java Dates - Exploring LocalDate - Creation and Methods to play with Date, Step 13 - Java Dates - Exploring LocalDate - Comparing Dates and Creating Specific Dates, Step 14 - Java Reference Types - Conclusion, Step 00 - Introduction to Array and ArrayList - Section Introduction with a Challenge, Step 01 - Understanding the need and Basics about an Array, Step 02 - Java Arrays - Creating and Accessing Values - Introduction, Step 03 - Java Arrays - Puzzles - Arrays of Objects, Primitive Data Types, toString and Exceptions, Step 04 - Java Arrays - Compare, Sort and Fill, Step 05 - Java Arrays - Exercise - Create Student Class - Part 1 - Total and Average Marks, Step 06 - Java Arrays - Exercise - Create Student Class - Part 2 - Maximum and Minimum Mark, Step 07 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - Need, Step 08 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - Basics, Step 09 - Introduction to Variable Arguments - Enhancing Student Class, Step 10 - Java Arrays - Using Person Objects and String Elements with Exercises, Step 11 - Java String Arrays - Exercise Solutions - Print Day of Week with Most number of letters and more, Step 12 - Adding and Removing Marks - Problem with Arrays, Step 13 - First Look at ArrayList - An Introduction, Step 14 - First Look at ArrayList - Refactoring Student Class to use ArrayList, Step 15 - First Look at ArrayList - Enhancing Student Class with Add and Remove Marks, Step 16 - Introduction to Array and ArrayList - Conclusion, Step 00 - Object Oriented Programming - Level 2 - Section Introduction, Step 01 - Basics of Designing a Class - Class, Object, State and Behavior, Step 02 - OOPS Example - Fan Class - Deciding State and Constructors, Step 03 - OOPS Example - Fan Class - Deciding Behavior with Methods, Step 04 - OOPS Exercise - Rectangle Class, Step 05 - Understanding Object Composition with Customer Address Example, Step 06 - Understanding Object Composition - An Exercise - Books and Reviews. A blog about Java Programming Language and related technologies. Make a Pull Request into our intro-to-java-programming Master branch. Java IO Manager - a class designed for improving the usage of the Input/Output in your Java programs, making your life easier. Step 06 - If Else Problem - Implementing with Nested If Else, Step 07 - Java Switch Statement - An introduction, Step 08 - Java Switch Statement - Puzzles - Default, Break and Fall Through, Step 09 - Java Switch Statement - Exercises - isWeekDay, nameOfMonth, nameOfDay, Step 10 - Java Ternary Operation - An Introduction, Step 11 - Conditionals with Java - Conclusion, Step 00 - Java Loops - Section Introduction, Step 01 - Java For Loop - Syntax and Puzzles, Step 02 - Java For Loop - Exercises Overview and First Exercise Prime Numbers, Step 03 - Java For Loop - Exercise - Sum Upto N Numbers and Sum of Divisors, Step 04 - Java For Loop - Exercise - Print a Number Triangle, Step 05 - While Loop in Java - An Introduction, Step 06 - While Loop - Exericises - Cubes and Squares upto limit, Step 07 - Do While Loop in Java - An Introduction, Step 08 - Do While Loop in Java - An Example - Cube while user enters positive numbers, Step 09 - Introduction to Break and Continue, Step 10 - Selecting Loop in Java - For vs While vs Do While, Step 00 - Java Reference Types - Section Introduction. It is an application that includes displaying a menu of items, and quantity and calculating the total bill with VAT. V2 Different Searching algorithms (DFS, BFS, IDS, Greedy, A*) opting to find optimal path from source to destination. Java Tip 10 - Static methods cannot use instance methods or variables, Java Tip 11 - public static final - Constants, Java Tip 12 - Nested Classes - Inner Class vs Static Nested Class, Java Tip 14 - Why Enum and Enum Basics - ordinal and values, Java Tip 15 - Enum - Constructor, variables and methods, Java Tip 16 - Quick look at inbuild Enums - Month, DayOfWeek, Windows: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-{version}, Example for JDK 16 - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16, Example for JDK 17 - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17, Mac: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-{version}.jdk/Contents/Home, Example for JDK 16 - /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-16.jdk/Contents/Home, Example for JDK 17 - /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-17.jdk/Contents/Home, Windows: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-{version}\bin, Example for JDK 16 - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16\bin, Mac: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-{version}.jdk/Contents/Home/bin, Example for JDK 16 - /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-16.jdk/Contents/Home/bin, Updated the course to use JDK 16 (released last week), New Java API in Files, List, Set, Map and String. I used Netbeans IDE to develop this mini Project. Thanks for all your love. Our aim with this course is to create a love for Programming. Section 8: Kubernetes with Microservices using Docker, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud - In more than 250 Steps, we explore the most important Java Programming Language Features, Click here - 30+ Playlists with 500+ Videos on Spring, Spring Boot, REST, Microservices and the Cloud, in28Minutes is creating amazing solutions for you to learn Spring Boot, Full Stack and the Cloud - Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, React, Angular etc. To associate your repository with the Step 03 - String class - Introduction and Exercise - Print each word and char on a new line, Step 04 - String class - Exercise Solution and Some More Important Methods, Step 05 - Understanding String is Immutable and String Concat, Upper Case, Lower Case, Trim methods, Step 06 - String Concatenation and Join, Replace Methods, Step 07 - Java String Alternatives - StringBuffer and StringBuilder. object-oriented, GUI programming, advanced GUI and Web programming using Java". Text based Chat application with TCP sockets over a local network with Java. topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. Java 14, Spring Boot 2 API with JPA(Hibernate), ModalMapper, H2. java-programs Step 11 - Stream Terminal Operations - 2 - min, collect to List, Step 12 - Optional class in Java - An Introduction, Step 13 - Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces - Implement Predicate Interface, Step 14 - Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces - Implement Consumer Interface, Step 15 - Behind the Screens with Functional Interfaces - Implement Function Inteface for Mapping, Step 16 - Simplify Functional Programming code with Method References - static and instance methods, Step 17 - Functions are First Class Citizens, Step 18 - Introduction to Functional Programming - Conclusion, Step 01 - Introduction to Threads and MultiThreading - Need for Threads, Step 02 - Creating a Thread for Task1 - Extending Thread Class, Step 03 - Creating a Thread for Task2 - Implement Runnable Interface, Step 05 - Placing Priority Requests for Threads, Step 06 - Communication between Threads - join method, Step 07 - Thread utility methods and synchronized keyword - sleep, yield, Step 08 - Need for Controlling the Execution of Threads, Step 09 - Introduction to Executor Service, Step 10 - Executor Service - Customizing number of Threads, Step 11 - Executor Service - Returning a Future from Thread using Callable, Step 12 - Executor Service - Waiting for completion of multiple tasks using invokeAll, Step 13 - Executor Service - Wait for only the fastest task using invokeAny, Step 14 - Threads and MultiThreading - Conclusion, Step 01 - Introduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception Handling, Step 02 - Basics of Exceptions - NullPointerException and StackTrace, Step 03 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - try and catch, Step 04 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Exception Hierarchy, Matching and Catching Multiple Exceptions, Step 05 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Need for finally, Step 06 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Puzzles, Step 07 - Checked Exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions - An Example, Step 08 - Hierarchy of Errors and Exceptions - Checked and Runtime, Step 09 - Throwing an Exception - Currencies Do Not Match Runtime Exception, Step 10 - Throwing a Checked Exception - Throws in method signature and handling, Step 11 - Throwing a Custom Exception - CurrenciesDoNotMatchException, Step 12 - Write less code with Try with Resources - New Feature in Java 7, Step 13 - Basics of Handling Exceptions - Puzzles 2, Step 14 - Exception Handling - Conclusion with Best Practices, Step 01 - List files and folders in Directory with Files list method, Step 02 - Recursively List and Filter all files and folders in Directory with Step Files walk method and Search with find method, Step 03 - Read content from a File - Files readAllLines and lines methods, Step 04 - Writing Content to a File - Files write method, Step 01 - Getting started with Synchronized, Step 02 - Problem with Synchronized - Less Concurrency, Step 04 - Introduction to Atomic Classes - AtomicInteger, Step 06 - Implementing an example with ConcurrentHashMap, Step 07 - ConcurrentHashMap uses different locks for diferrent regions, Step 08 - CopyOnWrite Concurrent Collections - When reads are more than writes, Java Tip 05 - Class Access Modifiers - public and default, Java Tip 06 - Method Access Modifiers - public, protected, private and default, Java Tip 07 - Final classes and Final methods, Java Tip 08 - Final Variables and Final Arguments. My Learning on Java 8 [I am not interested to steal others work, but record and document my ways of learning]. To request a specific Exercise that you need answered. Java Collections - List Interface(ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector), Set Interface (HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet), Queue Interface (PriorityQueue) and Map Interface (HashMap, HashTable, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap() - Compare, Contrast and Choose. These notes cover almost every aspects of core Java. Java programs and assignments of CS for keeping online records for my programs that I'll be writing while graduating. Docker and Kubernetes are essential in the microservices world today. Exercises and Solutions for Java Programming I and II, 2020 course version. Educational project for understaning JAVA better! Repository for the capstone project of the "Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals" program by Duke University on Coursera - Java Programming Build a Recommendation System. All you need to understand for Java from Hello-World to Data-structures. Exercises and Solutions for Java Programming I and II, 2020 course version. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. This repository is based on a java book uploaded in this repository. Step 16 - How are variables stored in memory? My solutions to assignments/problems for the course (Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software Course) offered by Duke University at Coursera. This can be implemented over LAN connected machines by using their IP Address.. Modules of Coursera Course "Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software". Then there will be JavaEE applications. I'm really excited about these changes. Introduction to Polymorphism. This is a java project that deals with the bus tickets. Istanbul ehir University Lecture Notes Of Object-Oriented Programming. The book takes an efficient route through the Java landscape, covering all of the core topics that a Java developer needs. Repo contains basic java program and their logic that type of programs and logic generally asked by interviewer and in coding round. To associate your repository with the Example - Exceptional Handling questions in the Exceptional Handling folder, etc. Add any JAVA code or tricks in the respective folders Java Object-Oriented Principal, Effective Java and Memory Management Examples. Restrictions with extends and Generic Methods, WildCards - Upper Bound and Lower Bound. Java Abstract Class and Interfaces. Solutions to Introduction to Java Programming by Y. Daniel Liang. Add a description, image, and links to the
Added a New Section to Build a Real World Java Rest API using. Java-Object-Oriented-Programming-Courses-Example, Database-Connection-via-JDBC-for-Creation-Insertion-and-Retrieval, ", It is Core Java based Game based on Indian television game show having best animation as possible in Core java 5000+ lines, Istanbul ehir University Lecture Notes Of Object-Oriented Programming, Questions for practice in Java programming language, This repository contains all the important content related to oops in java. Where the functionalitites for a fighter jet is defined. 10th Edition, Exercises of the OCA Java SE 7 Programmer I Study Guide (Exam 1Z0-803). Color changing application using rgb values. topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics. You signed in with another tab or window. A Modern Text Editor written in Java includes Markov text generator, FleschKincaid readability Test and Between words distance calculator, A semester project completed in Java Programming language. Step 08 - Object is at top of Inheritance Hierarchy, Step 09 - Inheritance and Overriding - with toString() method, Step 10 - Java Inheritance - Exercise - Student and Employee Classes, Step 11 - Java Inheritance - Default Constructors and super() method call, Step 12 - Java Inheritance - Puzzles - Multiple Inheritance, Reference Variables and instanceof, Step 13 - Java Abstract Class - Introductio, Step 14 - Java Abstract Class - First Example - Creating Recipes with Template Method. ", Java [2020], Questions for practice in Java programming language, Bootstrapped compiler platform generating x86 and MIPS assembly.
Added 22_07 Exercise Solution. Solutions to Introduction to Java Programming by Y. Daniel Liang. java-programming 10th Edition, "Daniel Liang teaches concepts of problem-solving and object-oriented programming using a fundamentals-first approach This repository contains certain codes of JAVA programming which I've made while learning Java, Collection of basic and advanced java programs. Please feel free to post your questions here! For example, Chapter02. You will learn the basics of programming - variables, choosing a data type, conditional execution, loops, writing great methods, breaking down problems into sub problems and implementing great Exception Handling. Istanbul ehir University Lecture Notes Of Object-Oriented Programming. ", Essential Java, is a book about the Essentials of Java Programming.Java Java Java Java 8 Java Java , Answers for Quizzes & Assignments that I have taken. Thanks for helping this course reach 100,000 learners. You will learn the basics of Object Oriented Programming - Intefaces, Inheritance, Abstract Class and Constructors, You will learn the important concepts of Object Oriented Programming - Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation and Polymorphism, You will learn to do basic functional programming with Java, You will learn the basics of MultiThreading - with Executor Service, You will learn about a wide variety of Collections - List, Map, Set and Queue Interfaces. If you would like to contribute, please see: Ways to Contribute, Hints to Quizzes and Programming Projects, Y. Daniel Liangs Intro to Java Programming (10th Edition). Beginning programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques then move on to grasp the key concepts of Add any JAVA code or tricks in the respective folders Adding REST API with Spring and Spri, Hands on Step by Step Introduction to the most popular programming language, More Concurrency with Atomic Operations and Concurrent Collections, Course Downloads - Course Guide and Presentation, Notes for Java and Eclipse Troubleshooting, Notes for Next Lecture - Business Service, Data Service Code, /src/main/java/com/in28minutes/learnspringframework/sample/enterprise/flow/web/, /src/main/java/com/in28minutes/learnspringframework/sample/enterprise/flow/business/, /src/main/java/com/in28minutes/learnspringframework/sample/enterprise/flow/data/, Notes for Next Lecture - Docker and MySQL Configuration, Educational Announcements About Course Updates, Course Updates - Java New Features + Spring + Spring Boot + REST API,,,,,,, Basics of Java Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing Output, Java Operators - Java Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit Operators, Methods - Parameters, Arguments and Return Values, An Overview Of Java Platform - java, javac, bytecode, JVM and Platform Independence - JDK vs JRE vs JVM, Object Oriented Programming - Class, Object, State and Behavior, Basics of OOPS - Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Basics about Java Data Types - Casting, Operators and More, Java Built in Classes - BigDecimal, String, Java Wrapper Classes, Conditionals with Java - If Else Statement, Nested If Else, Java Switch Statement, Java Ternary Operator, Loops - For Loop, While Loop in Java, Do While Loop, Break and Continue, Immutablity of Java Wrapper Classes, String and BigDecimal, Java Dates - Introduction to LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime, Java Array and ArrayList - Java String Arrays, Arrays of Objects, Primitive Data Types, toString and Exceptions. It contains all the supporting project files necessary to work through the book from start to finish. Junit ISP Testing in Java programming language. topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics.". This book is full of informative and entertaining content, challenging exercises, and dozens of code examples you can run and learn from. Contains all source codes of "Level-Up Java", This repository contains the programs used in blogpost at You'll gain a full understanding of Java SE programming and will be able to write Java programs with graphical user interfaces that run on PC, Mac, or Linux machines. A simple group chat Application using Java Socket Programming. Step 16 - Java Interface - Example 1 - Gaming Console - How to think about Intefaces? Download the course material (presentation and downloads) for the course - CLICK HERE. Thank You for Choosing to Learn from in28Minutes. Step 00 - How To Make Best use of the Course Guide? This is the code repository for Java Programming for Beginners, published by Packt. This system is built using Java programming language with the help of Netbeans IDE. "Robot" is most lovable class in Java for me. Java Programming for Beginners is an excellent introduction to the world of Java programming, taking you through the basics of Java syntax and the complexities of object-oriented programming. Solutions to Programming Exercises in Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (10th Edition) by Y. Daniel Liang, My Solutions to the Programming Exercises in Understanding Object Composition and Inheritance. java-programs There are thousands of learners pursuing this course every day! List files and folders in Directory with Files list method, File walk method and find methods. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. This is my repository for Java Programming Principles class at Southwestern College using Tony Gaddis's "Starting out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects 7th Edition" textbook. Added exercise 6.34 (Print Calculator adapted), Modify Ex 8.37 to input.nextLine(), Display the first 50 random integers between 0 and 100, instead of di, Add test isFile() test to that file objects are files before adding t. All Examples for learning Java programming and algorithms. . My Java programs from JHU CTY's Advanced Java Course, A high-level cross-platform 2D game development API. All you need to understand for Java from Hello-World to Data-structures. We are adding a Real World Project with Spring and Spring Boot to the course! Introduction to Exception Handling - Your Thought Process during Exception Handling. Step 04 - If Else Problem - How to get User Input in Java? Step 07 - Programming Tip 3 : Eclipse vs JShell - How to choose? topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Connectivity to Internet to download Java 9 and Eclipse. Repository for the capstone project of the "Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals" program by Duke University on Coursera - Java Programming Build a Recommendation System. Junit ISP Testing in Java programming language.
A simple group chat Application using Java Socket Programming. Exception Hierarchy - Checked Exceptions vs Unchecked Exceptions. Introduction to Java Programming, This can be implemented over LAN connected machines by using their IP Address.. Modules of Coursera Course "Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software". java-programming-language Make your changes to your new branch (Only commit and push the files you plan to merge). Get started with Java New Features, Spring and Spring Boot right now! Generics - Why do we need Generics? TicTacToe Game design in java programming. java-programming try, catch and finally. We love Programming. All the updates are FREE for the existing learners of the course. A playground for Java programming language. You find an error in an existing solution. java-programming I've included links below to all the freely accessible compainion material and quick links to navigate through my solutions by chapter. Add a single hidden layer neural network. You signed in with another tab or window. topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics. It is well Written still open for everyone to contribute to the Project. Step 01 - Introduction to Generics - Why do we need Generics? Read and write from a File. Throwing an Exception. To associate your repository with the Step 01 - Reference Types - How are they stored in Memory? This repository holds the MIG project. Lessons, Tips, Tricks, Projects and Exercises that I used to learn Java Programming Language. Try with Resources - New Feature in Java 7. Step 08 - Java Wrapper Classes - An Introduction - Why and What? You signed in with another tab or window.
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