Secure .gov websites use HTTPS The two foggers we are evaluating do not use electrostatic charging of their droplets. These include the following: The purpose of this research is to evaluate spray parameters for several different types of sprayers and foggers. EPA does not endorse the purchase or sale of any commercial products or services. However, in the first measurement of the sample collected 3 feet away, the free-available chlorine concentration was 1,703 ppm and is believed to be an erroneous result (although we are unsure of the source of the error). Negative values indicate the polarity of the measurement. The disinfectants were prepared according to the label directions. Since ESSs are typically used for disinfection of large surface areas, the deposition rate is usually presented in units of fluid ounces of disinfectant per 1000 ft2. As expected, the fogger and hand-pumped sprayer showed no measurable electrostatic charge. Note, that it is imperative that the surface remain wet for the required contact time as per disinfectant label requirements. The lithium-ion battery modules within the Evolve Home Energy Storage Systems can overheat, posing a fire hazard. In, Pitol, A.K. This parameter is critical to ensure that sufficient disinfectant volume is applied to the surface such that it remains wet for the required contact time of the disinfectant, and thus ensures effective inactivation of the virus (and compliance with the EPA-required disinfectant label). HANDHELD SPRAYER Covers 2,800 sq. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. The hydrogen peroxide concentration of the undiluted disinfectant, measured several months after it was obtained, was 6.0%, in contrast to the label indicating it to be 8%. At each spray distance, the DSD was analyzed five times with the spray perpendicular to the laser. After the initial deposition results are converted to more typically reported units, average results for the vertical coupons ranged from 23-33 ounces per 1000 ft2, and average results for the horizontal coupons ranged from 38-65 ounces per 1000 ft2. These measurements provide additional characterization of the size range of the spray droplets than the VMD alone. Cationically charged droplets prevent drips, cover hidden and shadowed areas, and cover a large area in a small amount of time. The hand pumped sprayer and one of the foggers had the highest flow rates, at 17 and 11 oz/min, respectively. It is odorless, nontoxic and noncorrosive so its safe to use on wood, metal or even fabric. The hand-pumped sprayer is the only manual sprayer evaluated.
Technol. The instrument was placed in a recirculating wind tunnel and the tunnel was set to 20C (1C) and 50% (5%) relative humidity (RH). Available chlorine (free as hypochlorite/hypochlorous acid and combined from dichlor) was measured when using the dichlor-based disinfectant, using a commercially available method (Hach high-range bleach test kit; Method 10100, model CN-HRDT; Loveland, CO) adapted from ASTM Method D2022-89. The manufacturer recommended disinfectant surface coverage rates ranged from 2-53 ounces of disinfectant per 1000 ft2 for those ESS for which information was available. No injuries have been reported. Get Notified About Each Recall via Email. Please refer to OBrien et al. Gaunt, L.F. and Hughes, J.F. Fate of active ingredient concentration when spraying dichlor-based disinfectant, Available chlorine concentration (ppm) of disinfectant#, *The first reading for the 3 ft sample was 1703 ppm, which is believed to be an outlier since the other two samples were both > 4650 ppm. F= front of can (upper left photo); R=right side of can; B=back of can; L= left side of can. Each of the sprayers DSDs were measured at the bounds of the manufacturers recommended spray distances (where possible), as well as a third or fourth distance (within the bounds) for comparative analysis. Figure 4 is a composite image like Figure 3, but with photo documentation taken after spraying the trash can. In viewing the right quadrant of the can, one can see illumination due to the spray deposition on the front of the can, with some of the spray deposition reaching to about one-third of the square. The right side of the lamp appears to be well-illuminated after spraying, indicating good coverage and wrap-around, and tiny droplets can be seen. Watch the webinar recording on this research:COVID-19: Electrostatic Sprayers and Foggers for Disinfectant Application. Note that other sprayer parameters will be evaluated as part of this study but presented in a future data release or in a final report. This is a concern for the ESS operator, as well as for occupants of the space following disinfection (if not properly aerated). As can be seen, all four sides of the can remain relatively obscure, as expected, without the presence of the fluorescent dye solution. There was no loss in the disinfectant available chlorine level (free hypochlorite/hypochlorous acid and combined from dichlor) as measured from the sprayer reservoir, when collected at the nozzle, and when sprayed and then collected 3 feet away. For each material/sprayer/orientation combination, one positive control coupon and three test coupons were used. and Julian, T.R., COVID-19: Electrostatic Sprayers and Foggers for Disinfectant Application, The amount of disinfectant to apply to a surface, i.e., the deposition rate (e.g., fluid ounces of disinfectant per 1000 ft. This process was repeated three times with the plate being wiped dry between each test. Please visit the EPA webpage for more information on the research EPA is conducting in support of COVID-19 response capabilities. There appears to be more deposition on the side of the lamp compared to either side of the trash can, which may be due to the smaller diameter of the lamp. ESS have been used for many years in several other industries (e.g., efficient application of pesticides to crops), but recently they have grown in popularity as a technique to efficiently and rapidly apply disinfectants to surfaces, i.e., especially those that may be contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The wireless earphones can overheat while charging or in use, posing burn and fire hazards. A majority of the sprayers and foggers evaluated had flow rates in the range of approximately 3.7 to 6.1 fluid ounces per minute (oz/min). (2004). Quantities Limited Call Today 800-273-2464. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury or death associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. In both coupon orientations, the plastic material had the least amount of water loss. This attribute may be both an advantage and disadvantage: an ESS may allow less disinfectant to be used to cover a surface area, but with less disinfectant applied, disinfection efficacy may diminish if the surface does not remain wet for the required contact time. Sci. The coupons were oriented in both a horizontal and vertical position. The sprayers were selected for our study based on an initial assessment of commercial availability. Measurement of chlorine gas and hydrogen peroxide vapor were conducted in real time using electrochemical sensors (Analytical Technologies, Inc., Collegeville, PA). Following each sprayer evaluation, the three trash cans were washed with a laboratory-grade detergent, and then further cleaned using a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and acetic acid. All tests were conducted with the ESS operator wearing an insulator mitt, and all ESS were operated according to the manufacturers instructions provided, related to the use of any grounding requirements. Total concentration of free and combined chlorine from dichlor. Unexpectedly, one of the ESSs also showed no measured charge (360 Sterile R40). Following each spray, the lights in the test chamber were turned off, and two, 24-inch long black lights were placed in front of the can to observe the deposition of the fluorescent aqueous mixture. The portion of the right-side image near the back of the lamp (opposite of where it was sprayed) does appear somewhat darker, indicating less deposition.
Although when compared to the back side of the control trash can (Figure 3), the back side of the test trash can does not appear to be as obscure, indicating the possibility that some minimal amount of spray may have reached the back side. (1974) for more information on dichlor chemistry related to disinfection. Spray distances varied according to the sprayer, based on manufacturer recommendations, and coupons were sprayed until droplets started to visually coalesce on the surface. Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC. Figure 6. A majority of the devices evaluated had average VMDs 40 microns. A more complete dataset of deposition results will be presented in a final report. Interim results from wetness tests (to be discussed in a later report) using water showed that in most cases materials remained wet for 10 minutes at typical deposition rates and ambient conditions. Two holes were bored at the top of the plate and rubber screen spline was used to suspend the plate 52 in. Model PX20A or PX20B is printed on the Protexus battery packs label. Average ( SD) amount of water (grams or milliliters) recovered from test coupons immediately after spraying (initial) or after 10 minutes (final), in either the horizontal or vertical position. Recalled Victory Innovations sprayers lithium ion battery, Recalled Protexus sprayers lithium ion battery, Recalled Victory Innovations cordless electrostatic sprayerhandheld, Recalled Victory Innovations backpack sprayer, Recalled Victory Innovations backpack sprayer equipped. is an official website of the United States government. 7.Battery may not have been fully charged. 5.Purchased in ~ 2015 and used in several studies over the years, prior to this study. # Total concentration of free and combined chlorine from dichlor. The current results for spray parameters are summarized in Table 1. Manufacturer Recommended surface coverage (ounces of disinfectant per 1000 ft2), PX300ES backpack; red (40 micron) nozzle4, PX300ES backpack; green (80 micron) nozzle4, Recommends wetness test to determine coverage. The summary here is intended to provide a simple representation of the results of on-going testing; therefore, only a brief description of the purpose of the study, methods, and interim results are provided. In other words, the gravimetric method we used may report remaining disinfectant for a particular surface area, although there may be significant portions of that sampled area that are visibly dry. It is typically reported in units of microns. After three electrical current measurements were collected, each sprayer was evaluated for flow rate. The amount of the disinfectants active ingredient lost to the air before reaching the surface. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The three disinfectants evaluated utilized an active ingredient of either chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, or quaternary ammonium.
In all tests, the disinfectants were prepared with tap water as directed on the label. The active ingredient concentration of the disinfectants was measured using wet chemistry titration techniques. The test apparatus used to measure spray charge consisted of an aluminum plate 20.1 in. The sprays from the battery-powered ESSs all carried a positive electrostatic charge and were about an order of magnitude lower in charge compared to the SC-ET ESS.
Characterization of spray volume by droplet diameter for the Clorox 360 sprayer, at 8-foot distance from instrument, comparing different liquids (DI = deionized water; tap= tap water; dichlor = disinfectant in equilibrium with dichlor; and HP refers to a disinfectant with hydrogen peroxide as its active ingredient). Not surprisingly, the garden sprayer generally had larger droplets, with its maximum average VMD at 207 microns. After the initial deposition results are converted to more typically reported units, average results for the vertical coupons ranged from 23-33 ounces per 1000 ft. for more information on the research EPA is conducting in support of COVID-19 response capabilities. This parameter was compiled from the sprayer user manuals, brochures, and distributer/manufacturer websites. We began this series of tests using a metal trash can (11 inch height, 8 inch diameter; purchased with a black matte finish), and then followed with a few additional tests to examine the spray deposition on objects with more complicated surfaces, such as a step ladder, a clip-on lamp, and fold-out chair. SS= stainless steel. When collecting the disinfectant droplets in the glass beakers, the spray time was typically 1.5 minutes.
Visual inspection of the coupons after 10 minutes showed that drying on the surface was uneven, such that portions of the surface were visibly dry, in contrast to the gravimetric method reporting remaining water mass for the whole area sampled. Each sprayer was sprayed directly at the plate from a one-foot distance, using a sweeping motion to fully wet the plate over the course of 30 seconds, while electrical current was measured. Model VP-20A or VP-20B is printed on the Victory Innovations battery packs label. The back side of the cylindrical trash receptacle shows little if any deposition, indicating minimal wrap-around effect. 2 by surfaces: risks and risk reduction strategies. (2021) Community transmission of SARS-CoV2 by surfaces: risks and risk reduction strategies. This test series was conducted to determine whether test materials remain wet for 10 minutes after spraying with water, how much water is initially deposited, and how much is lost to evaporation (ten minutes is a typical contact time for many disinfectants). Finally, we note that some of the sprayers were malfunctioning at the time certain parameters were being evaluated, and so not all sprayers were tested for every parameter. Titration with potassium permanganate was used for measuring the hydrogen peroxide concentration in the disinfectant solutions. The interim results have been reviewed by internal EPA technical experts, quality assurance staff, and management. The sprayer output flow rates are presented in Table 1 in units of oz/min, and when considering the target deposition rate and surface area to be disinfected, provide an indication of the time required to dispense the disinfectant onto the surfaces to be disinfected. Sprayers are used to apply disinfectant directly to a surface (recommended spray distances vary from about 2 feet to 10 feet), whereas foggers may be used for disinfection of surfaces or volumes (i.e., disinfection of air, inactivation of aerosolized viral particles). These photographs are meant to provide a qualitative, visual understanding of the spray deposition and the wrap around effect, or lack thereof. Victory Innovations toll-free at 888-674-2482 Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (2021) Community transmission of SARS-CoV. Because the disinfectant chemical fog can fill a room, they are usually operated automatically with no operator present. We acknowledge that our testing only included one ESS to assess the effect of disinfectant chemistry on DSD, and that other sprayers DSDs may be impacted by these same disinfectants. Electrostatic charging of trigger actuated spray devices. The Victory Innovations cordless sprayers have a green and white exterior. This study is being conducted in accordance with an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan. Data were collected for analysis of the volume-based size distributions using a forward scattering laser diffraction instrument (HELOS-KR Vario aerosol spray and particle analyzer); refer to Figure 1 for a photograph of the instrument in operation with an ESS. Photograph of a spray cone being directed into the optical path of the laser diffraction instrument, resulting in illumination of the red laser beam. The test results also showed that the presence of ions in the water had no effect on the DSD (i.e., comparing deionized and tap water), and the use of disinfectants also had no effect on the DSD as well (see Figure 2 for example data). Digital photographs were then taken of the front quadrant of the can, and then the can was rotated in 90-degree increments and photographs were taken for each quadrant. The results are averaged across the five sprayer configurations tested, for the coupon orientation (horizontal or vertical) and material. During the three spray tests, which took place over the course of 1.5 hours, the average chlorine gas concentration was 0.14 0.02 ppmv. All of the other devices evaluated were newly purchased for this study. The electrostatic charge imparted to the droplets from the devices was measured for both tap water and deionized water, to determine if the presence of ions (which may alter the conductivity) had any effect on the spray charge. Prior to spraying the trash cans, photographs were taken of each can as described above, to serve as controls. Fate of active ingredient concentration when spraying hydrogen peroxide-based disinfectant, Hydrogen peroxide concentration (%) of disinfectant, 1:32 dilution (label directions for SARS-CoV-2) collected from sprayer reservoir, Diluted per label collected 3 feet away. The presence of an electrostatic charge had no significant effect on the VMD, as demonstrated with both sets of results for the PX200ES HH sprayer. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. Temperature in the test chamber was controlled to approximately 21 C and relative humidity was controlled to approximately 35%; air flow in the test chamber was approximately 1 m/s. These levels all ranged from approximately 4,400 5,000 ppm (parts per million by mass) free-available chlorine. This section briefly discusses the methods used to obtain data and information for the sprayer and fogger parameters presented in this data brief. Gaunt, L.F. and Hughes, J.F. (2004). Other parameters may introduce exposure concerns by creating inhalation hazards to the operator of the ESS or those occupying the space following disinfection. No surface coverage rates were recommended for the foggers, consistent with the approach that foggers are typically intended to be used as a volumetric (aerosol) decontamination device rather than strictly for application of disinfectant to surfaces. In these tests, an ESS was used to spray two different disinfectants in a test chamber, with the air flow in the chamber shut off. Report a dangerous product or a product-related injury on. Results for the left side of the trash can are similar to the right side, i.e., a small amount of deposition occurred within the square, nearer to the front side. The sensor was suspended from the ceiling in the center of the test chamber, approximately 3 feet from sprayer nozzle. Figure 1.
During each spray, the sprayer was moved back and forth, so that the spray cone fully enveloped the can. Both water and disinfectants are being tested in the sprayers. As shown, there was no loss in the disinfectant concentration of hydrogen peroxide (after it was diluted per the label requirements) as measured from: the sprayer reservoir; when collected at the nozzle; and when sprayed and then collected 3 feet away. Some disinfectant active-ingredient chemicals, such as chlorine and hydrogen peroxide, may volatilize and become hazardous if in sufficiently high vapor concentrations.
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