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A doctor working in the Lampedusa reception center confirmed that he sees such gunshot wounds, with victims explaining they were shot in Libya. Ensure that the EUNAVFOR Med anti-smuggling operation fully complies with binding obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights to protect the rights to life, liberty and security, an effective remedy, and protection against refoulement. Human Rights Watch interview with Abdishakuy, Lampedusa, Italy, May 13, 2015. Lebanon now has over one million Syrian refugees one-fourth of the small countrys population. Of the 13,000 unaccompanied children who arrived by sea in 2014 to Italy, 3,394 were Eritrean. On 26 July, 2021, after 24 days of detention in Augusta Port, Italy, the Geo Barents was formally released from administrative detention, returning to the Search and Rescue zone to continue saving lives at sea and to continue alerting on this humanitarian catastrophe in the central Mediterranean. The Taliban has also abducted children, and in some cases, executed them, for suspected support of government forces, or in reprisal for family members who allegedly worked with government or international forces. The government forces and ASWJ militia fight in the town without any consideration for civilians, Hassan said. They are no substitute for access to protection in the EU for those who need it now. [82] Human Rights Watch, Development without Freedom: How Aid Underwrites Repression in Ethiopia, October 20120, http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/ethiopia1010webwcover.pdf; Waiting Here for Death: Forced Displacement and Villagization in Ethiopias Gambella Region, January 2012, http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/ethiopia0112webwcover_0.pdf. Mdecins Sans Frontires brings medical humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict, natural disasters, epidemics or healthcare exclusion. Human Rights Watch interview with Asmeron, Lampedusa, Italy, May 15, 2015. Asmeron, 21, told us his father was imprisoned for a week in October 2014 after Asmeron refused to return to military service and fled to Ethiopia. But per capita, Sweden and Hungary had by far the most. The Intersectional Benchmarking Unit collects and analyses data about local labour markets in all locations where MSF employs people. This medical unit is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Afghanistan: Abusive Strongmen Escape Justice, Human Rights Watch news release, March 3, 2015, http://www.hrw.org/news/2015/03/03/afghanistan-abusive-strongmen-escape-justice. [22], I had problems with the Taliban. Since May 2015, we have provided search and rescue capacity, or provided medical care during search and rescue operations, in the central Mediterranean Sea. This medical unit is based in Cape Town, South Africa. They have, however, featured prominently in EU policies for decades with little progress made in practice. There is no language on easing restrictions on family reunification, a measure that could help people in need of protection outside the EU reunite with their family members already present in the EU. An elementary school teacher and university student in her twenties who arrived on the Greek island of Samos three days before our interview explained that she had received threatening telephone calls at her home in Herat. Insurgent groups have increasingly kidnapped civilians for ransom or as hostages to exchange for prisoners. Aisling Reidy, senior legal advisor, conducted the legal review. Our teams in France identify young people, who have usually undertaken the journey unaccompanied, and offer them support through a day centre for minors in Paris. More than 13,000 children are estimated to have been killed since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, with 3,500 killed in 2014. Increasing lawlessness and generalized violence have convinced many who originally traveled to Libya for work to attempt the sea crossing to the EU. [32] Human Rights Watch interview with 15-year-old boy, Lesbos, Greece, May 20, 2015. Somali government security forces, African Union troops, and allied militias are responsible for indiscriminate attacks, sexual violence, and arbitrary arrests and detention. [45] Human Rights Watch interview with Fahad, Lampedusa, Italy, May 13, 2015. The principal route has long been from North Africa across the central Mediterranean, but increasing numbers are now crossing the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean) from Turkey to the Greek islands. During our Search and Rescue operations, MSF has been shot at by the European-funded Libyan coast guard and repeatedly accused of collusion with traffickers. We also call on EU leaders to support proposals to increase safe and legal channels into the EU, including by implementing generous resettlement programs, easing access to family reunification, and increasing the number of humanitarian visas. They are typically boys between 14 and 17, but some are as young as 10. Some women are under direct threat for defying the Talibans norms for women. The MSF Foundation aims to create a fertile arena for logistics and medical knowledge-sharing to meet the needs of MSF and the humanitarian sector as a whole. He said he was repeatedly beaten with a hose. [13] Human Rights Watch, Safe No More: Students and Schools under Attack in Syria, June 2013, http://www.hrw.org/reports/2013/06/05/safe-no-more. In one center five detainees said guards suspended them upside down from a tree and then whipped them. Report di monitoraggio 31 dicembre 2014, December 2014, http://www.lavoro.gov.it/AreaSociale/Immigrazione/minori_stranieri/Documents/Report%20di%20monitoraggio%20dicembre%202014%20(2).pdf. 78 Rue de Lausanne CP 1016 1211 Geneva Switzerland They told me if I went to the university or to teach, they would kill me or abduct my daughter. After two men tried to kidnap her 2-year old daughter as they were walking on the street, she and her husband decided to leave Afghanistan. [75] Refugees International, Somalia Overview, http://refugeesinternational.org/where-we-work/africa/somalia (accessed June 8, 2015). The EU Fundamental Rights Agency, arguing that strengthening legal channels for refugees would contribute to reducing the number of migrant lives lost at sea and the abuses perpetrated by the smuggling networks and reductionof the risk of persons becoming victims of human trafficking, has cited long-term advantages of orderly admissions, including reducing the need for psychosocial care due to trauma experienced during migration, enabling authorities to better plan and implement integration measures, and channeling refugees with needed skills into the labor market.[69]. Your donations pay for millions of consultations, surgeries, treatments and vaccinations every year. No peace since I was born.[50], The Somali government has largely failed to provide basic security and protect rights in areas under its control. Short of overhauling the Dublin Regulation, the Agenda proposes. In practice conscripts serve indefinitely. Read stories from our staff as they carry out their work around the world. They are killing people there, so I decided to try for rescue by Italy.[58] Two Nigerian men showed Human Rights Watch scars from gunshot wounds they said they sustained in Libya when unknown men, without uniforms, shot them in the street. Based in Brussels, MSF Analysis intends to stimulate reflection and debate on humanitarian topics organised around the themes of migration, refugees, aid access, health policy and the environment in which aid operates. UNHCR, Projected Global Resettlement Needs 2015, June 2014, http://www.unhcr.org/543408c4fda.html. People are still desperately trying to flee. Government forces also arbitrarily arrest, forcibly disappear, and torture those they perceive as opponents, many of whom have died in detention. When we spoke with him in Catania, Italy, in May 2015, he told us: Eritreans interviewed by Human Rights Watch in Catania, Milan, and Lampedusa, Italy, in May 2015 confirmed that the desire to escape military service is a primary driver of flight from Eritrea. The EU has recently taken important measures to step up search and rescue efforts in the Mediterranean. Despite a common EU asylum system on paper, there is in practice wide disparity in procedures, reception conditions, and support for recognized refugees. In May 2021, we announced that after a pause of a couple of months, we are returning to search and rescue this time providing our own rescue capacity. The jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has made it clear that all of these rights apply within territorial jurisdiction of an EU country, including territorial waters and aboard vessels traveling under the flag of an EU country, and when an individual is under effective control or custody of an EU country. Human Rights Watch interview with Livinus, Lampedusa, Italy, May 13, 2015. The Taliban has also abducted children, and in some cases, executed them, for suspected support of government forces, or in reprisal for family members who allegedly worked with government or international forces. Human Rights Watch interview with Mahmoud (pseudonym), Kabul, Afghanistan, November 2012. . Refugees International, Somalia Overview, http://refugeesinternational.org/where-we-work/africa/somalia. [53] Overlooking the Cost to Somalias Civilians, Human Rights Watch Dispatch, February 19, 2015, http://www.hrw.org/news/2015/02/19/dispatches-overlooking-cost-somalia-s-civilians. Human Rights Watch interview with Fahad, Lampedusa, Italy, May 13, 2015. Instead of confronting the vicious cycle that their own policies are creating, politicians have hidden behind unfounded accusations towards NGOs and individuals who attempt to help people in dire straits. Decades of insecurity and conflict have taken a heavy toll on the countrys children, resulting in daily violence and some of the highest child mortality and child malnutrition rates in the world. Subsidiary protection is a permission to stay in the country given a person who does not qualify as a refugee but who would face a real risk of serious harm if returned to his or her country of origin. [60] Human Rights Watch interview with Nero, Lampedusa, Italy, May 13, 2015. They brought a persons bloodied shirt and said: See this? Humanitarian aid agencies experience significant challenges in getting vitally-needed assistance to the internally displaced and other civilians within Syria due to sieges imposed by both government forces and non-state armed groups.[3]. We have no shelter and no hope that the warring parties will respect our humanity.[54], Many migrants and asylum seekers have been embarking on the journey across the Mediterranean from Libya, which has been in a state of political turmoil since 2011 when an uprising and armed conflict led to the overthrow government of Muammar Gaddafi. Day after day they would come to our home and tell my father tell your son to join us. So I told my father I had to leave. [26] Human Rights Watch, We have the Promises of the World: Womens Rights in Afghanistan, 2009, http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/afghanistan1209web_0.pdf. See Pakistan: Stop Forced Returns of Afghans, Human Rights Watch news release, February 22, 2015, http://www.hrw.org/news/2015/02/21/pakistan-stop-forced-returns-afghans; and Human Rights Watch, We Are the Walking Dead: Killings of Shia Hazara in Balochistan, Pakistan, June 2014, http://www.hrw.org/reports/2014/06/29/we-are-walking-dead. Our medical guidelines are based on scientific data collected from MSFs experiences, the World Health Organization (WHO), other renowned international medical institutions, and medical and scientific journals. Given the number and extent of protracted refugee crises around the world, the EU should agree collectively to increase this low pledge significantly. [69] European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Legal entry channels to the EU for persons in need of international protection: a toolbox, February 2015, http://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra-focus_02-2015_legal-entry-to-the-eu.pdf (accessed June 8, 2015). [40] Human Rights Watch interview with Amene (pseudonym), Catania, Italy, May 15, 2015. In June 2018, Italian and Maltese authorities denied the Aquarius a safe port to disembark 629 people on board; from this point, Italian ports were effectively closed to NGO search and rescue vessels. The report draws on Human Rights Watchs extensive work on the human rights situation in the four main sending countries as well as interviews with Syrians, Eritreans, Afghans, and Somalis who crossed the Mediterranean in May 2015. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which is binding on all EU institutions and on EU countries when applying EU law, enshrines the right to asylum, emphasizes the non-refoulement obligation, and prohibits collective expulsions. An Afghan woman with three children who arrived on the Greek island of Samos in May 2015 told Human Rights Watch that her family fled after kidnappers abducted her husband and demanded US$8,000 ransom. Somalia: Protect Displaced People at Risk, Human Rights Watch news release, March 26, 2013, http://www.hrw.org/news/2013/03/26/somalia-protect-displaced-people-risk. See what triggers an intervention and how supply and logistics allow our teams to respond quickly. Teachers and children told us that when Al-Shabaab fighters entered local schools, some children would resort to desperate measures, including jumping from second and third floor windows to avoid capture. In 2014, over 10,500 children traveled alone to Italy by sea. With at least 1,850 estimated deaths in the Mediterranean in the first five months of 2015, a new high record may be set this year. Over the next two years, I was in five different prisons, including one underground. But the EU will need to ensure that conditions and procedures are in line with EU and international law, and that such camps do not become de facto detention centers where people in need of international protection are denied access to a safe place to rebuild their lives or where people risk unsafe returns to their countries of origin. The Agenda includes numerous proposals to tackle migration upstreamto prevent hazardous journeys. These range from conflict resolution and development efforts to improving protection capacity in regions of origin. During these consultations our teams often hear horrific stories; many of the people we rescue are victims of torture and other forms of ill-treatment. Two of my roommates, a Nigerian and a Somali man, they died from the beatings, he told us. [58] Human Rights Watch interview with Johnny (pseudonym), Lampedusa, Italy, May 12, 2015. This number doesnt count the number of people who die or go missing in the attempt at least 1,146 people have died in the first 6 months of 2021,IOM, an average of over 44 people a week. According to Save the Children, children accounted for as many as 100 of the estimated 800 people who died in a shipwreck off the coast of Libya on April 19, 2015the worst recorded incident. [34], I love my country, but I hate the way it is there. Operations should ensure that the lives and safety of migrants and asylum seekers are not put at risk. The internationally recognized government in Libya has said it opposes EU action in its territory or territorial waters. [6] Salim, 22, said I was about to be mobilized by the Palestine Liberation Army to fight on the side of the Assad regimeI did not want to take sides.[7], More than 13,000 children are estimated to have been killed since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, with 3,500 killed in 2014. Ongoing insecurity in government-controlled areas, including Mogadishu, and political infighting and reshuffles detracted from progress on justice and security sector reform. [67] On May 27 the Commission issued detailed proposals on several aspects of the Agenda. The proposals include enhanced immigration cooperation with sending and transit countries, regional development, and the creation of a pilot multi-purpose center in Niger to provide information, local protection, and resettlement opportunities. In 2014, at least 219,000 people made the crossing, up from 60,000 the previous year. The only way the family was able to pay it and secure his release was by selling their land. Two governments are vying for legitimacy in Libya, one internationally recognized government based in Tobruk and Al-Bayda in the east, and another self-declared authority based in Tripoli in the west, from which the vast majority of boats depart. EU member states have the right to return those who have no claim to remain, but procedures for apprehension, detention, and return should ensure humane treatment, access to effective remedies, and respect for the non-refoulement obligation. Design, implement, and monitor the EUs immigration cooperation with third countries to ensure this cooperation does not effectively trap people in abusive situations, prevent them from accessing fair asylum procedures, or lead to refoulement to places where they would be at risk of being subjected to persecution or to inhuman or degrading treatment. Share this via Email [46] Email from the office of the Special Representative to the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, May 5, 2015. Resettlement places should be offered to refugees from other protracted refugee situations, including those affecting Eritreans, Afghans, and Somalis. Mubarek, from Parwan, in northern Afghanistan, left the country with his wife and three young sons two months before we spoke in May 2015 on Lesbos, a Greek island in the Aegean Sea. In its Agenda, the Commission has proposed an EU-wide refugee resettlement scheme to offer 20,000 places over the next two years distributed throughout all 28 member states. We have chartered our own boat, the M/V Geo Barents, retrofitting it to make it suitable for search and rescue operations. [23] Human Rights Watch interview with Mubarek (pseudonym), Lesbos, Greece, May 21, 2015. 21-year-old Afghan man. [76], UNHCR has identified this limited family definitionwhich can exclude underage siblings, common law (or customary) spouses, and extended family relatives who have de facto become part of the family unitas among the obstacles refugees face to family reunification in the EU. But some people in these countries also experience human rights violations or forced displacement arising from conflict and may have valid refugee claims. [42], Young men interviewed by Human Rights Watch in May 2015 shortly after their rescue and disembarkation in Lampedusa emphasized the lack of security and the risks posed by Al-Shabaab as reasons for their flight from Somalia. It was during science class, but I was on my way to the bathroom. The outbreak of new hostilities between two major alliances in Libya in mid-2014 has unleashed a wave of lawlessness and violence.[55]. He had been working as a volunteer with an organization combating violence against women. [70] UNHCR, Projected Global Resettlement Needs 2015, June 2014, http://www.unhcr.org/543408c4fda.html. Human Rights Watch interview with Amira, Samos, Greece, May 24, 2015. The EUs response in recent years to boat migration across the Mediterranean has focused largely on trying to prevent or discourage people attempting to make the dangerous crossing. [41], While the armed Islamist group Al-Shabaab abandoned several towns following a series of military offensives by the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) and the Somali National Armed Forces (SNAF), Al-Shabaab maintains control of large areas of south-central Somalia where it administers public executions and beatings and severely restricts basic rights. We use only first names and, where noted, pseudonyms, to protect the identity of the people we interviewed. Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, I minori non accompagnati (MSNA) in Italia. Government forces also recruit children as soldiers. Human Rights Watch interview with Hady (pseudonym), Dresden, Germany, February 12, 2015. Federal identification number: UID CH-660.1.555.004-1, Migrant living in Roja River settlement, northern Italy, Bourbon Argos not authorised to land 700 rescued migrants in Sicily, MSF will no longer provide emergency medical assistance on the MY Phoenix, MSF committed to saving lives on Mediterranean but will not sign the Italian Code of Conduct, MSF ends mission of search and rescue boat Prudence, MSF urges immediate disembarkation of 629 people on board Aquarius, Italian government pressures Panama to stop Aquarius rescues, Sinister attacks by Italian authorities on lifesaving search and rescue, Aquarius forced to end operations as Europe condemns people to drown, MSF resumes search and rescue amid deteriorating conditions in Libya, forced to terminate its search and rescue activities, where detention centres have been surrounded by fighting. I saw so many people killed that day. Learn about the different contexts and situations in which MSF teams respond to provide care, including war and natural disaster settings, and how and why we adapt our activities to each. Both the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) oblige all shipmasters to provide assistance swiftly to persons in distress, and states to ensure effective communication and coordination of rescue operations in their search and rescue areas, as well as disembarkation of persons rescued at sea at a safe place. The inequitable distribution of asylum seekers among EU member states contributes to the difficult debate around migration and asylum. Al-Shabaab carries out deadly attacks in government-controlled areas such as Mogadishu, targeting civilians, including lawmakers and other officials, and civilian objects. [44] Human Rights Watch interview with Said, Lampedusa, Italy, May 12, 2015; Somalia: New Al-Shabaab Attacks are War Crimes, Human Rights Watch news release, April 16, 2013. [7] Human Rights Watch interview with Salim (pseudonym), Sjenica, Serbia, November 20, 2014. [39] Human Rights Watch interview with Asmeron, Lampedusa, Italy, May 15, 2015. European attempts to stem migration by strengthening national borders and bolstering detention facilities outside its borders are pushing people into smugglers hands to get them past checkpoints, across borders, through fences, out of prisons and ultimately onto boats on the Mediterranean Sea. In both August and September the same year, the Aquarius was stripped of its flag and registration by the Gibraltar and Panama Maritime Authorities, respectively, after coming under political pressure. Hostile attacks on Aquarius continued in November 2018, when the Italian judiciary requested the seizure of Aquarius due to spurious claims of waste mismanagement. [35] Human Rights Watch, Eritrea, World Report 2015. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2015/country-chapters/eritrea. [22] For more Human Rights Watch work on Afghanistan, see http://www.hrw.org/asia/afghanistan. [6] Human Rights Watch interview with Hady (pseudonym), Dresden, Germany, February 12, 2015. This is a welcome, if belated, response to the immediate humanitarian imperative to save lives. This approach is also reflected in the EUs current focus on anti-smuggling measures, including pre-emptive seizure and destruction of boats used by smugglers. In many cases there are desperate reasons grounded in forced displacement and human rights abuse for making this desperate journey. The Court also held that the Italian authorities had denied the migrants and asylum seekers their right of access to an effective remedy because they had not been able to lodge their complaints with a competent authority and to obtain a thorough and rigorous assessment of their asylum requests. [34] For more Human Rights Watch work on Eritrea, see http://www.hrw.org/africa/eritrea. In addition, the military use of schools by the Afghan national security forces continues to put children at risk of attacks by armed groups and affect their access to education. In September 2020, the Sea-Watch 4 was detained and impounded by Italian authorities for a period of six months, at a moment when six other search and rescue vessels were likewise detained. [20], The Taliban and other insurgents, including groups who claim some affiliation with ISIS, have mounted bold and increasingly frequent attacks in several traditionally secure provinces in the north of the country, as well as the south, leading to the displacement of tens of thousands of civilians. The group imposes their interpretation of Islam on the school curriculum, banning English, the sciences, and other subjects, and threatening and killing teachers who resist. [77] While EU countries may adopt more lenient policies, few do. [43] Human Rights Watch interview with Abdishakuy, Lampedusa, Italy, May 13, 2015. Hear directly from the inspirational people we help as they talk about their experiences dealing with often neglected, life-threatening diseases. Tripoli plunged into conflict, where detention centres have been surrounded by fighting and hit by airstrikes. Habtom, 28, was in the army for eight years before he fled in order to be able to support his family. With no rights, its difficult to stay in the country, he said. Abdishakur, a 19-year-old from Mogadishu, said Al-Shabaab approaches guys like me to convert them, get them to blow themselves up. The scale and gravity of the human rights concerns in Eritrea prompted the UN Human Rights Council to establish a commission of inquiry in 2014 to investigate human rights violations in Eritrea since independence. The commissions report, issued in early June 2015, found systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations and concluded that violations in the areas of extrajudicial executions, torture (including sexual torture), national service and forced labour may constitute crimes against humanity. The commission called on the international community to provide protection to those who flee Eritrea owing to the severe violations of their rights or fear thereof. Human Rights Watchs interviews with recently-departed Eritreans in May 2015 support the commissions finding that Eritreas human rights situation remains terrible. We set up the MSF Access Campaign in 1999 to push for access to, and the development of, life-saving and life-prolonging medicines, diagnostic tests and vaccines for people in our programmes and beyond.

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